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Cnet Survey Reveals A Quarter Of Smartphone Owners Find New Ai Features Useless

CNET Survey Reveals: A Quarter of Smartphone Owners Find New AI Features Useless

Key Insight

Nearly 25% of smartphone users perceive recent AI-powered smartphone features as redundant and dont find any practical value from them.

Survey Findings

In a recent groundbreaking survey conducted by CNET, a widely renowned tech publication, a significant number of smartphone owners expressed dissatisfaction with the newly introduced AI-powered features on their devices. CNET surveyed 3,208 smartphone owners, a large and representative sample of the smartphone-using population. The results suggest that almost a quarter of respondents (24%) find these novel AI features to be inconsequential and offer no tangible benefits to their user experience.

User Feedback

When asked to elaborate on their reasons for disliking these AI features, many respondents cited a lack of usefulness and relevance to their daily lives. They expressed a preference for features that provide practical solutions to everyday problems rather than features that are perceived as gimmicky or unnecessary.

Several respondents also raised concerns about privacy implications, expressing unease about the potential misuse of personal data collected by these AI-powered features. They emphasized the need for greater transparency and control over how their data is used.


The findings of this survey highlight the need for smartphone manufacturers and developers to focus on creating AI features that are genuinely useful and beneficial to users. By prioritizing user needs and addressing privacy concerns, they can improve the overall user experience and increase the likelihood of adoption.
